Every programme is specially designed for each person I work with to serve their personal aspirations and particular life context.
scroll down for how it works
We begin with clarifying your coaching focus, what you’d like to transform and why it’s important to you.
We get into what a great outcome would look, sound, and feel like; and the differences it would make in your life - and also the positive impact it could have on others.
We explore the pathways that could close the gap between your current reality and your ideal outcome, sparking a dynamic, creative energy for forward movement.
Transformation starts within!
So, we explore some of your ‘inner wiring networks’ - the stuff you’ve learned (consiously and unconsciously) about what’s possible, allowed, and available to you.
Then, with deep respect and sensitivity, we do a bit of ‘re-wiring’.
We tap into the authentic resourcefulness of your core self and ‘update’ your ‘internal system.
As your internal sense of possibility expands, so does your capacity to make changes in your life.
We articulate a clear vision for how you’d like to be living, being, relating and contributing.
We freely brainstorm fresh ideas for how you might achieve what you’d like to create - some of these may have previously felt beyond your reach … but are now available to you!
We design actions and practices to ignite forward momentum.
Coaching for transformation is about how you live your life into the future (in addition to achieving your specific coaching focus).
We capture the lessons you’ve learned and the new approaches that are working well for you. We create your personal ‘tool box’ that is always accessible to you.
We ensure you have the methods and quick reminders to stay on track.
We identify your next transformational focus so that you continue your positive evolution well after the coaching ends.
Individual coaching sessions are 90 minutes long and happen regularly, usually 2-weekly or monthly.
“My work is very busy with lots of demands. I had a tendency to say ‘yes’ every time anyone asked me for something, taking the burden on myself to find the time to do it (I’m an accountable person and take agreements seriously). This led to a rising anxiety in me.
The coaching enabled me to have the insight, awareness and capacity to change my approach. Now I speak up, share my vision and my challenges. I communicate the issues with others so the goal is shared and 99% of the time we find an alternative solution or perspective.
I’m now far more relaxed, clearer and more creative.”
— Borja Iglesias Tabeayo
Digital Strategy Lead
Associate Director PR
Madrid Spain