different ways we can work together

  • one-to-one

    I offer one-to-one coaching for individuals.

    Every programme is as unique as each client.

    All programmes are designed to serve each person’s specific aspirations and vision for themselves.

    Offering the power of individual development at accessible fees for people who are funding themselves.

  • together

    Collective coaching can be very potent when the people participating genuinely want to support each other’s success and learn from one another.

    I offer two kinds of collective coaching:

    ~ for people in partnerships (one or more)

    ~ for friends wanting to grow alongside their peers

  • workshops

    Why not participate in my workshops?

    They are a great opportunity to experience many of the powerful coaching models I draw from.

    Some are short and some are more in depth

    - all are energising, informative and interactive.

  • coaches

    Time to step back and reflect in a confidential and creative space, one-to-one or in a group.

    I work with leadership, executive, team and life coaches - supporting them to develop personally, explore their client relationships with fresh perspectives, strengthen their coaching practices and brands.


coaching for courageous leadership & teamwork

  • growing authenticity, inspiration and creative power

  • building generative relationships

  • sparking positive change



“Ruth’s gentle and nurturing coaching helped me align my personal development with my business objectives. 

We looked at where I wanted to be and built on how I was already engaged.

We also welcomed parts of me that were holding me back and updated my out-of-date mindsets. 

This enabled a genuine inner shift freeing me to move forward with energy and clarity.

Thank you Ruth!”

— Simon Flack
Business owner & leader
Automotive Industry
Isle of Wight UK