A great opportunity to experience many of the powerful coaching models I draw from!
I offer bite-sized and deeper-dive workshops on a variety of topics.
scroll down to learn more:
watch this space for my next event!
The Art of Self-Leadership
Have you ever felt blocked or distracted by multiple inner voices and/or feelings pulling in different directions?
In my experience we have many diverse parts of us living inside in an interconnected system. Each part has its own individual perspective, job, history and talent. And each part impacts the other parts. Just like individual people in a group do.
This workshop provides a space to welcome and get to know your internal parts in a fresh way; to hear their stories, listen to what they need from you and appreciate their giftedness.
You’ll practice being a compassionate and clear inner leader, enabling your talented ‘inner team’ to collaborate and create together with your guidance.
Nurturing Your Inner Space
When I was at primary school my teacher wrote in my report that I daydreamed during class - and that was a bad thing!
In my adult life ‘daydreaming’ is one of my most powerful activities! Whether meditating, envisioning, reflecting or simply sitting, when I spend time in my ‘INNER SPACE’ my experience of life is so much better.
In this workshop you will participate in a variety of guided inner experiences - all designed to help you access and nurture your inner space.
You’ll even build an ‘INNER CREATIVITY STUDIO’!
And you’ll experience a quick on-the-go breathing exercise for those people who find it hard to sit still and focus inside - but still want the benefits of it.
A Vision for Success
When I learned to drive (many years ago), my driving instructor Keith used to say ‘FOCUS ON WHERE YOU WANT TO GO OR YOU’LL DRIVE INTO THE CURB!”
Such words of wisdom! And applicable to everything else in my life too.
Come along to this workshop and create an inspiring, energising vision for your life, or for a particular personal goal, so you too can focus on where you want to go and steer away from the many metaphorical curbs!
We’ll access energy from the powerful dynamic of ‘CREATIVE TENSION’ in the space between ‘now’ and ‘your vision’.
You’ll leave with a wealth of ideas and some clear change milestones.
The 4 Dimensions of Transformation
This workshop gives you the opportunity to explore a change you’d like to make in your life from four different perspectives.
You’ll get to ask yourself these questions and more:
What are your beliefs about what’s possible and about your ability to receive / create it?
What cultural / societal mindsets have shaped your power to make this change?
What new actions can you take? What new behaviours and skills can you experiment with?
Do you have the right tools and resources?
You’ll leave with a powerful road map. And some immediate next steps.
Living from the Inside-Out
There is plenty of evidence to show that our ‘inner world’ enables our ‘outer world’. What we feel and think inside ourselves guides what we are able to do, experience and achieve.
Yet, many of us live our lives according the the outer ‘rule book’ - working hard to do the ‘right thing’, look the ‘right’ way, pursue the ‘right’ career, have the ‘right’ relationships, etc.
It’s exhausting to keep trying to be what we’re not. What if we listened to, heard and followed our ‘inner compass’ more of the time?
This is a workshop that explores what it takes to make the shift from outside-in living to inside-out living. And to glimpse the benefits of doing so.
Utilising the Gifts of Your Life Experiences
This workshop gives you the opportunity to experience your unique life story with fresh eyes and self-compassion.
You’ll be able to harvest gifts and lessons from your formative experiences - both the high and low points, appreciating the ‘former you’.
We will ‘update’ any parts of you that may be stuck in the past.
You’ll create a ‘combination lock’ to open your connection with your authentic, compassionate core self.
You’ll leave with a ‘personal expansion practice’.
Liberating Desired Change
Have you ever been really excited about a personal goal - one that really mattered to you, yet somehow you didn’t seem able to go for it?
Or maybe you wanted to change a habit - and couldn’t? Or overcome a barrier to expressing yourself in a new way?
This workshop gives you the opportunity to close the gap between something you’d like to make happen in your life and your ability to do so.
And, you’ll leave with a template for doing the same again with other areas of your life.
Using Your 'Sixth-Sense' to create a healthy flow
There’s little better than the feeling that everything is in flow. And when it’s not, when we feel stuck, or a situation we are in is stuck, we know it!
In this workshop you’ll practice using ‘systemic constellations’ - a great method that un-sticks things that feel stuck and enables more clarity and movement.
You’ll be able to gain powerful insights by embodying multiple different perspectives and feeling into the ‘voices’ of the system.
You’ll find the small move towards something better that will unlock a healthy flow.
“Ruth provided arguably the most unique and engaging workshop I have ever been a part of.
Her wealth of knowledge, and the open and honest forum she created really made for a memorable day.”
— recent participant
London UK